Indian Stock Market Scam 2024 and the Futility of the Exit-Polls
Indian Stock Market Scam 2024 and the Futility of the Exit-Polls

Posted on 07/06/2024 (GMT 16:26 hrs)
Compiled by the Partyless Society⤡ & Occupy Dalal Street⤡
“Underneath all reason lies delirium, drift. Everything is rational in capitalism, except capital or capitalism itself The stock market is certainly rational; one can understand it, study it, the capitalists know how to use it, and yet it is completely delirious, it’s mad. It is in this sense that we say: the
rational is always the rationality of an irrational.” — Félix Guattari, Chaosophy⤡ (1995)
Stock market: the zone of unknown and unknowable (?) rational irrationality: where chaosophy reigns, and a delirious circulation of money begetting money occurs. Is there any nomological net or deterministic lawful governance of the stock market conditions? Well, there appears to be none.
We have seen that a “Himalayan Yogi” ran/manipulated the Indian stock market through a fictitious email ID:
Mysterious Himalaya guru ran India’s stock exchange as ‘puppet’ master VIEW HERE ⤡ (As reported by ©TRTWorld)
The role of pseudoscientific astrologers in predicting elections results in another sphere of profit, where religion-as-business and economy somehow become verily merged as well.
The religious extremism is now clubbed with market fundamentalism, as three of our ex-ministers gave “investment advice” in mid-May 2024 to the Indian small retail investors on Adani’s Channel to buy shares before June 4th, 2024 (the date of general election results), which was followed on June 1st by the release of the feigned, pseudo-scientific exit polls, predicting the landslide victory of the BJP. This led to a huge rise of major stocks.
On the contrary, as was seen, the BJP failed to achieve such huge numbers on June 4th and stuck only at a non-majority of 240 winning seats. This led to a massive stock market crash, causing huge losses (₹30 lakh crore+ of investor wealth) for those investors, who followed the imperatives of the ex-Prime Minister, ex-Finance Minister and ex-Home Minister.
How are these political executives in a position to give such crucial investment advice? Do they have the legitimate right to exercise such power to manipulate and mislead people into huge losses? For whose profit did these BJP representatives (since government became equated with the name of one party in the erstwhile regime) make such comments? Who are the exit poll people, ones who made such entirely wrong, inaccurate predictions about the election victory?
‘Buy stocks before June 4!’: Rahul Gandhi blames Modi, Shah for ‘share market scam’, investors’ ₹30 lakh crore loss VIEW HERE ⤡ (As reported on 6th June, 2024 ©Mint)
India opposition accuses Modi of ‘stock market scam’ VIEW HERE ⤡ (As reported on 7th June, 2024 ©BBC)
One can see the graph depicting this state of affairs below (Source: Indian National Congress):

To explicate the chronology (Source: Rahul Gandhi’s Official Facebook Page and X Handle) furthermore, see the course of events below:

It is not surprising enough that the following happened today on 7th June, 2024:
A day after Rahul Gandhi alleges scam, Sensex erases election result day loss to touch record high VIEW HERE ⤡ (As reported on 7th June, 2024 ©The Economic Times)
This kind of deletion or erasing data is very degenerative in relation to the future of the Indian economy as such!
Now, the full INC press conference rightly accusing Modi and Co. of this Stock Market “Scam” along with its analysis could be seen in the following videos:
On the basis of such critical questionings, the Congress is now attempting to launch an investigative inquiry:
To talk of such misleading exit-polls, we must put forth the following questions about the viability and authenticity of such statistical data given that:
a) What is the sample size for these polls? Did the exit-poll gurus go to every nook and cranny of the nation to gather data from all strata of voter populations?
b) What is the methodology followed in the course of such exit polls? Is it holistic at all?
c) What is the role of fear-factor in recording responses in arriving at the results as shown in these polls?
d) How much of these polls were simply manipulated to soothe the funding agencies of the then ruling party of India, i.e., the BJP, to show these favourable results in favour of the BJP’s uncontested victory? Remember that these polls were released by the sponsored, utterly biased and unreliable Godi Media or Modia.
Where are the Election Guru Prashant Kishor and the Axis-My India Exit-Pollster Pradeep Gupta? Why did they vanish in thin air after the BJP had an embarrassing “victory” (signifying a moral defeat at its worst), quite contrary to their so-called “confident predictions”??? Is Mr. Gupta still sobbing?
If these questions are not answered properly, accurately and substantiated by evidence by the exit-pollsters, how can one rely on them at all? The Exit Poll predictions appear to be nothing more than a crafted pseudo-science, striving to misguide people in order to yield profits. Ask yourself: Did anyone ask your voting choice after you made your exit from your respective polling booth?
The exit poll sample size (20,000) is too ridiculous compared to 60+cr voters (approximately 35+ crore voters abstained from the election process this time. Following the first phase of election, after almost 11 days, it was observed that there was a 6% increase of the voters as declared by the EC⤡ ) and thus must be blamed for hasty generalization:

Source: BJP poised to get third term; both BJP and Congress may register small gains in vote share VIEW HERE ⤡ (As reported on 3rd June, 2024 ©The Hindu)
What about intruding variables during the polling process such as the following? Are these factors taken into account while making poll predictions, viz., EVM-manipulation/maneuvering, changing vote results by deploying money and/or muscle power through rigging etc.? How many of the voters were influenced with freebies to repeat (like a parrot) the pre-fixed, pre-given ‘answers’?

Moreover, “There are three types of lies: lie, damn lie & Statistics”
Following Foucault’s observation of the State-Statistics nexus. one of our OBMA members had experienced, as being a part of the Royal Palace of Statistics, the following distinctive features in the case of India’s statistical institutes and agencies:
Data Manipulation, Data Paucity, Data Opacity and Data Denial.
Sahibs have, from time and again, accused India for such a crime, which is also observed in the case of our public health system:
Our public health system needs a dose of data transparency VIEW HERE ⤡ (As reported on 1st January, 2022 ©The Times of India)
In the case of exit polls, noted economist Parakala Prabhakar noted:
Most exit polls are bogus, says political economist Parakala Prabhakar VIEW HERE ⤡ (As reported on 2nd June, 2024 ©The Hindu)
Returning to our topic on the stock market scam, can a stock market exist in a SOCIALIST (as expressly visible in the Preamble of the Constitution of India) country in the first place? In Stalinist Russia, there was no such trading practices, and they were strictly banned. The litmus test of socialism is the absence of share markets in the first place. How to resolve this uncontradictory contradiction of a socialist economy having the place for stock exchanges?
In Conclusion, in the context of such a chaosophical situation, the advisors of (mis-)investing should be legally penalized for exploiting people’s vulnerability in manufactured crucial situations for their profiteering aims (Section 167, 201, 332 of the IPC). We can compare this with the Harshad Mehta Scam (1992), Ketan Parekh Scam (2001), UTI Scam (2001), the Satyam scandal (2008), the NSE Colocation Scam (2015), the IL&FS Scam (2018-19), the PNB Scam (2018-19), the Karvy Scam (2019), and above all: the DHFL Scam (2019-)⤡ ⤡. All these scams have violated the rules of the game, especially the insider traders (like Mr. Ajay Piramal⤡) are playing with the public money. It is also to be observed that in the Indian political scenario, the role of religious gurus (not substituted by philosophical counsellors) along with the “underworld”/shadow economy as well as corporate tycoons and the ruling party operate together to engineer such financial scams for furthering their own vested interests at the cost of the suffering of the many.
We have not forgotten the 1993 Bombay Blasts, since one of the bombing-locations was the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE):

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