Beyond Pretensions: Narendra Modi and Ajay Piramal
Beyond Pretensions: Narendra Modi and Ajay Piramal
Beyond Pretensions: Narendra Modi and Ajay Piramal

Published on 11/05/2024 (GMT 20:07 hrs)
Dear Paramavaiṣṇava Piramal Ji,
In continuation with our previous letter addressed to you
We would like to again pretend (our act of pretending is only a facework) to “sympathize” with you, given the grave state of affairs that inescapably faces the present ruling party of India, the BJP, your dearest friend. We are sharing two speeches recently given by Mr. Narendra Modi on two occasions that reflect the utterly helpless, pathetic and anxious condition of the BJP.
I. Modi’s Speech on Congress Manifesto
Immediately after the release the above video, the alternative media exposed more than eight cases of lying within the speech itself!
It is totally expected from a Prime Minister, who habitually involves himself in the web of pseudology as a King Liar⤡. He is not only a hypocrite, but also a schizophrenic [as mentioned by Amartya Sen VIEW HERE ⤡ (As reported on Jun 05, 2021 ©Business today)] just like you.
II. Ridiculous and Suicidal Speech by Modi on Ambani-Adani by Scapegoating the Indian National Congress (INC)!
However, the following speech where Mr. Modi, quite unexpectedly, was blaming his two multibillionaire friends (one of them is your nearest-dearest family member) for bribing the INC!
We are surprised after hearing such evident lies from the lip-servicing mouth of the (probably) soon-to-leave-office Prime Minister, because BJP is funded by the Adani-Ambani duo and governmental policies have been made during the 2014-2023 period (more or less) following their crony proposals by expelling the whole opposition from the legislature.
Now, let us switch over to the discussion with Gaurang Das of your much favoured ISKCON⤡.
Since we know that you, Mr. Piramal, are part of the Piramal-Ambani family now with Z+ security, and for that reason, you owe a lot to the BJP. You have already exemplified your friendship to the BJP during the Flashnet⤡ ⤡ and DHFL scams. You have contributed 85 (or more?) crores through Electoral Bonds to the BJP⤡. Well, your insecure business life is largely a product of a series of happenings: you being stamped as an insider trader by the SEBI, an environmental terrorist in the Digwal case, have been involved in two possible cases of contempt of court in the DHFL scam alone, your website has been hacked by BianLian etc. Hence, your allegiance and asylum in the present (for how long?) ruling party of India is not entirely unfounded.
As you have mentioned in the interview, that the present PM understands the “suffering of the other” (“pida” in Hindi, which forms part of your own name: Pira-Mal). However, it is clear from the two terms served by this PM that he is far from being in a position to comprehend or even heed the suffering of the common citizens of India (recent three examples are Wrestler’s Movement, Manipur and Farmers’ movement). Moreover, are you yourself, who preaches the Gita (posing it as a management book) without citing even one sloka, a person who can feel the others’ sufferings? We do not really think so. You are just “more equal” than others⤡! You are far from being a “duhkhabhagi” (a sharer of suffering). You do not care for the Digwal villagers, the victims of Piramal real estate, the DHFL victims and so on. What are you, Mr. Piramal? A pretentious monster, who even cannot even look at the mirror? Your godfathers Mr. Modi or Mr. Piyush Goyal of the BJP are not going to be on your side for long, it seems. Their time seems to have come to an end. It appears that you will soon become the abandoned child of the Saffron Fascists.
Prepare yourself for the ultimate atonement of your past deeds.
We are condemning you for your cunning game as adopted in the DHFL Resolution Process.
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